Our services for children and adolescents are aimed at children and adolescents between the ages of 2 and 17 who have problems with adaptation and behavior such as family, environment, school, and therefore have challenging relationships.
Our services for children are grouped under the following headings:
- Learning Disability
- Dyslexia
- School-Learning Issues
- fears
- Anxiety Disorders
- obsessions
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- technology addiction
- Social Problems
- Child in Divorce
- Developmental Disorders
- Progress Evaluation
- Puberty Process
- Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity
The family system has a great influence on the solution of problems seen in children and adolescents. For these reasons, the role of the family increases as the age of the child gets smaller in the psychological assistance service to the child.
The stages of Child and Adolescent Counseling service are as follows:
- Family interview (The first session is held only with the family in order to get detailed information about the child.)
- Investigate the cause of the child's problem or difficulty
- Application of necessary tests and techniques suitable for age
- Recognizing and understanding family-child relationships in the game
- Getting to know the child in the game environment
- Play therapy/Individual child-adolescent counseling
- Coordination and cooperation with the child's school and teachers
- family guidance